Natural and Organic Beauty

The secret to beautiful, young looking skin is in the purity of the ingredients

8 Nov 2012


You've undoubtedly heard the saying "you are what you eat".  Well, never has a truer word been spoken! What we eat is just as important to maintain healthy skin as it is in maintaining a healthy body.  

Did you know that our our skin is the largest organ in the body?  Therefore, it benefits from the same nutrition that other major organs, such as our heart and liver, receives from the food we eat.  

New research suggests that eating foods that are rich in protein and certain vitamins and minerals could provide us with valuable anti-ageing effects.  This means we can take an easy pro-active approach to our skincare in what we eat.

Below I have listed the top 10 superfoods that are good for our skin and hair:  Why not make them part of your "5 a day" fruit and vegetable intake?

This relatively low-profile berry was ranked number one in antioxidant activity by a US study, compared to 40 other more popular fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants in blueberries protect you from premature ageing.  Why not add a small handful to your cereal or yoghurt every day? 

You don't have to handfuls of walnuts to enjoy their many benefits: smoother skin, healthy hair, brighter eyes, and strong bones. Get your daily dose of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E by eating a few walnuts by themselves or by throwing some in your salad, pasta, or dessert.

Tomatoes are a good source of Lycopene, an anti-ageing antioxidant.  In fact the tomato is so amply loaded with this vital anti-oxidant that it actually derives its rich colour from the nutrient. Surprisingly, though, lycopene in tomatoes is more easily absorbed by our bodies when it is cooked or processed, so make sure to stock up on tinned tomatoes, tomato juice, and ketchup  Tomatoes also boost collagen which helps keep skin elastic and supple.

This leafy green vegetable is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Spinach is loaded with lutein, which keeps your eyes healthy and sparkling.  It also contains a high amount of Vitamin A and is a good source of Vitamin B helping to promote healthy skin and maintain the firmness of your skin.   Spinach also contains Vitamins C and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.  Why not try spinach as an alternative to lettuce in a salad, or saute spinach for a quick, healthy side dish.

Omega-3 fatty acids 
Fish, especially salmon and tuna, are super sources for omega-3. The pigment that gives salmon its pink color is a known powerful antioxidant that has been shown to improve skin’s elasticity.  Skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis all benefit from the anti-inflammatory qualities of fish oil and one study has shown that Omega-3 can help prevent the development of precancerous skin lesions. The polyunsaturated fats in fish oil helps replenish fats lost in the skin that causes dryness or excessive flaking of the skin.

Kiwi Fruit
This small, brown, fuzzy fruit is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, helping to keep the skin firm and  preventing wrinkles.  They are also great for healthy bones and teeth. The antioxidants in kiwis are also known to protect you from cancer and heart disease.

Green Tea
Green tea is abundant in antioxidants and polyphenols which remove free radicals and work to leave your skin rejuvinated and free of signs of ageing.  Drinking Green Tea is is thought to provide cancer-reducing effects throughout the body.  Drinking a cup or two a day also aids weight loss.

Carrots are full of Vitamin A, an excellent natural antioxidant that helps slow down the process of ageing.  Vitamin A is also essential for tissue growth in the body.  Drinking carrot juice helps in eliminating and preventing acne. In fact, carrot juice is one of the best natural acne cures. 

Sunflower seeds 
Sunflower seeds contain powerful antioxidant properties which can help slow down the ageing process.   Sunflower seeds offer great skincare benefits and provide fatty acids that help keep the skin lubricated, smooth and soft. They also help reduce the appearance of acne.  Sprinkle some on your salad to make a tasty topping.

Almonds are another great source of Vitamin E to fight off free radicals.

An avocado contains approximately 60% more potassium than a banana and eating avocado regularly will keep your serum cholesterol at a healthy level.  Avocado's are as good ON our body as much as they are IN it!  It is an ideal remedy for eczema, red skin, ageing skin and sensitive skin.  It helps enhance the skin tone and can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.  Simply mash one avocado into a bowl and apply it to your hair, face, back, lips, hands and feet.

Remember, beauty is more than skin deep.  By improving your diet you will not only improve the condition of your skin and hair, but your general health too.

Happy eating!

Tanya xx

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